Video in Edge Agent

Video chat is regarded as a Chat in Edge Agent , i.e. routed to you the same way as a regular text chat and included in chat statistics.

If your web site is set up for video chat, you have the access right Execute video chat, and both your and the other chatting party's web browsers support video, you see a Video button in your Edge Agent chat card. Initially the web browser will ask you give access to your camera and / or microphone.

  1. To start the video call, during an ongoing text chat with the customer, click Video.
  2. You see yourself in a small frame, and when the other party has accepted the video invitation he will be seen below, in a larger frame.
  3. There are three buttons.

You can park the chat but the video call will still be active until you or the customer end the video. The video will also be ended if you transfer of the contact, re place the contact in queue or close the chat.

If your web site visitor initiates a video chat without preceding text chat, the contact will be routed to you the same way as a regular text chat. You will end up in video chat as soon as the chat contact is accepted, provided you are not in video chat with someone else.

Good to know

Also see Administrate video chat.